Results for 'Jó António Capece'

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  1.  16
    Fundamentos teóricos da ditática de física: algumas reflexões a partir da prática docente.António Capece - 2010 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):63-73.
    A presente comunicação é o resultado de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e das constatações do autor derivadas da sua experiência no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, mormente na disciplina de Didáctica de Física. Tomando como pressuposto de que a Didáctica de Física ou a Prática de Ensino de Física, ocupa um papel preponderante no currículo de Formação do corpo discente e docente na Universidade Pedagógica, o autor trás à tona uma discussão teórica com vários autores que de algum tempo à esta (...)
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    The Regime of Translation in Miguel Antonio Caro's Colombia.José María Rodríguez-García, Rodr&, Iacute, Jos& Guez-Garc&A., Eacute, Mar& & Iac - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3):143-174.
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    The Regime of Translation in Miguel Antonio Caro's Colombia.José María Rodríguez-García, RodrÍ, JosÉ Guez-Garc&A. & Mar&Iac - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (3):143-175.
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    A remark on human suffering and providence according to Thomas Aquinas and Antônio Vieira.Rafael Koerig Gessinger - 2022 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 27 (1).
    Uma tese fundamental para a tradição cristã é a de que _todas as coisas que acontecem no mundo acontecem sob a providência divina. _Assim, também o sofrimento dos seres humanos precisa ser compreendido à luz da noção de providência, e o sofrimento de um justo como Jó ou de uma comunidade humana inteira como os escravos no Brasil colonial parece especialmente desconcertante. Uma interpretação recente enfatiza a função terapêutica das adversidades. Contudo, uma visão cuidadosa de alguns textos de Tomás de (...)
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  5. A theory of intergenerational justice.Jörg Tremmel - 2009 - London: Earthscan.
    Ultimately this book provides a theory of intergenerational justice that is both intellectually robust and practical with wide applicability to law and policy.
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  6. Encuentro internacional sobre la inspiración.Antonio Izquierdo - 2001 - Alpha Omega 4 (2):315-339.
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    Inhabiting Or Occupying the Web?: Virtual Communities and Feminist Cyberactivism in Online Spanish Feminist Theory and Praxis.Antonio García Jiménez & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):39-54.
    This article examines the relationships between gender and technology in Spanish feminist praxis online and argues that different perspectives on online feminist community-building offer distinct responses to cyberactivism, which is considered central to sustaining efforts for social change. To ascertain whether Spanish virtual communities and cyberactivism have the potential to address the challenges posed by the relations between gender and technology, we analyse feminist scholar Remedios Zafra's theoretical proposals, and the different ways in which this theory intersects with the cyberactivism (...)
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    A Escola do Futuro (USP) na construção da cibercultur@ no Brasil: interfaces, impactos, reflexões.Antonio Helio Junqueira & Brasilina Passarelli - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (1).
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    BRIEF REPORT Gratitude and prosocial behaviour: An experimental test of gratitude.Jo-Ann Tsang - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):138-148.
    McCullough, Kilpatrick, Emmons, and Larson (2001) posited that gratitude prompts individuals to behave prosocially. However, research supporting the prosocial effect of gratitude has relied on scenario and self-report methodology. To address limitations of previous research, this experiment utilised a laboratory induction of gratitude, a method that is potentially more covert than scenarios and that elicits actual grateful emotion. Prosocial responses to gratitude—operationalised as the distribution of resources to another—were paired with a self-report measure of gratitude to test the prosocial effect (...)
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    Santo Agostinho: místico ou um intelectual platônico-cristão?Antonio Pereira Júnior - 2022 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 3 (1):105-127.
    A mística é um fenômeno presente em quase todas as grandes religiõesdo mundo. No cristianismo, esta manifestação pode ser notada já nos textosSagrados do Novo Testamento: desde os relatos que envolveram os eventos da vidade Jesus às visões escatológicas de João no livro do Apocalipse. Posteriormente,podemos en contrar registros de misticidade no grande movimento dos Pais da Igrejaconhecido como Patrística, se estendendo por toda Idade Média, até alcançar osdias de hoje. Todavia, alguns pesquisadores da antiguidade tardia, procuraramenquadrar o grande nome (...)
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  11. Consecuencias del transcendentalismo.Antonio Lastra - 2010 - In Colomina Almiñana, Juan José & Vicente Raga Rosaleny, La filosofía de Richard Rorty: entre pragmatismo y relativismo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. pp. 23--38.
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    Annotazioni sul contesto liturgico delle omelie di Origene.Antonio Grappone - 2001 - Augustinianum 41 (2):329-362.
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    Arturo Uslar Prieti y el antipositivismo en Venezuela.Antonio Tinoco Guerra - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (48):97-105.
    El antipositivismo en Latinoamérica debe ser visto como una serie de tendencias que surgieron como reacción a la interpretación limitada que hacia el positivismo de la realidad continental. En el caso venezolano el antipositivismo esta muy vinculado a una serie de tendencias de pensamiento que surgi..
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    The Microbiota‐Inflammasome Hypothesis of Major Depression.Antonio Inserra, Geraint B. Rogers, Julio Licinio & Ma-Li Wong - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (9):1800027.
    We propose the “microbiota‐inflammasome” hypothesis of major depressive disorder (MDD, a mental illness affecting the way a person feels and thinks, characterized by long‐lasting feelings of sadness). We hypothesize that pathological shifts in gut microbiota composition (dysbiosis) caused by stress and gut conditions result in the upregulation of pro‐inflammatory pathways mediated by the Nod‐like receptors family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome (an intracellular platform involved in the activation of inflammatory processes). This upregulation exacerbates depressive symptomatology and further compounds gut (...)
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  15. Ensayo sobre ciencia constitucional.Antonio José Iregui - 1897 - Bogotá (Colombia): Imprenta de vapor de Zalamea hermanos.
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  16. El convento de San Agustín de Sevilla y su patrimonio artístico.Antonio Iturbe - 1994 - Revista Agustiniana 35 (108):861-909.
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    Die Phänomenologie Husserls im Licht ihrer gegenwärtigen Interpretation und Kritik.Antonio F. Aguirre - 1982 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Del yo al mí.Antonio Aguilar - 1966 - [San Juan, Argentina]: Editorial Sanjuanina.
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    La estructura tomista del concreto y sus consecuencias.Antonio Pérez Alcocer - 1987 - Querétaro, México: Autores de Querétaro.
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  20. Sobre las normas de competencia. Un aspecto de la dinámica jurídica de Jordi Ferrer.Antonio Peña Freire - 2002 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 16:215-223.
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  21. Para una ontología de la rebelión.Antonio D. Casares Serrano - 2010 - A Parte Rei 68:3.
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  22. The Ruling Principle of Method Applied to Education. --.Antonio Rosmini Serbati & Maria Georgina Shirreff Grey - 1893 - Heath.
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  23. Etica do discurso e filosofia da libertação: modelos complementares.Antonio Sidekum (ed.) - 1994 - São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil: Editora Unisinos.
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  24. Hacia Unamuno con Unamuno (I).Antonio Heredia Soriano - 2005 - Naturaleza y Gracia 3:419-462.
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    Rewritten or Reused? Originality, Intertextuality, and Reuse in the Writings of a Buddhist Visionary in Contemporary Tibet.Antonio Terrone - 2017 - Buddhist Studies Review 33 (1-2):203-231.
    The study of Buddhist texts can inform us of the way scriptures were composed, as well as illuminate the reasons behind their production. This study examines the phenomenon of borrowing and reusing portions of texts without attributing them to their ‘legitimate authors’ within the Buddhist world of contemporary Tibet. It shows that not only is such a practice not at all infrequent and is often socially accepted, but that it is used in this case as a platform to advance specific (...)
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  26. The European New Right: From Nation to Empire and Federalism.Antonio Tonini - 2003 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2003 (126):101-112.
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  27. Agencia, racionalidad y objetividad.Antonio Gaitán Torres - 2009 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):165-175.
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    Spór o istnienie człowieka.Józef Tischner - 1998 - Kraków: Znak.
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    La Scuola Cattolica di Franz Brentano.Antonio Russo - 2003 - Edizioni Universitã di Trieste.
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  30.  10
    Rethinking Faith: Heidegger between Nietzsche and Wittgenstein.Antonio Cimino & Gert-Jan van der Heiden (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Heidegger has often been considered as the proponent of the end of metaphysics in the post-Hegelian philosophy, due to his persistent attempts to overcome the onto-theological framework of traditional metaphysics. Yet, this dismissal of metaphysical, theological, and religious motives is deeply ambiguous since new forms of metaphysical and religious experience re-emerge in his philosophical works. Heidegger shares this ambiguous relation to the notions of faith and religion with authors such as Nietzsche and Wittgenstein whose works are also marked by a (...)
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    Accesos de sentido.Antonio Iglesias - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (38):45-57.
    The article pretends to situate basic patterns in order to think the nature of “the epistemological revolution”, having in mind criteria that allow to distinguish and meaning fully take into consideration the place from where one stares and speaks. This supposes to think “the epistemological revolut..
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  32. Erchesthai en el Evangelio según San Marcos.Antonio Izquierdo - 2003 - Alpha Omega 6 (1):73-104.
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  33. La fuerza del tiempo: anuncios por imágenes.J. Izquierdo Antonio - 2009 - A Parte Rei 65:15.
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  34. Opere.Antonio Labriola & Franco Sbarberi - 1972 - Napoli,: F. Rossi. Edited by Franco Sbarberi.
    Una risposta alla prolusione di Zeller.-Della libertà morale.-I problemi della filosofia della storia.-In memoria del Manifesto dei comunisti.- Del materialismo storico.-Discorrendo di socialismo e di filosofia.-Da un secolo all'altro.-Storia, filosofia della storia, sociologia e materialismo storico.
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    Scritti e appunti su Zeller e su Spinoza (1862-1868).Antonio Labriola - 1959 - Milano,: Feltrinelli.
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    Meditationes philosophicae de nonnullis ad poema pertinentibus di A.G. Baumgarten: testo, indici, concordanze.Antonio Lamarra - 1993 - Roma: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Pietro Pimpinella & Antonio Lamarra.
    Text of 1735 and 1936 eds. of the Meditationes, with concordances, reproducedon 3 microfiches (11 x 15 cm.) in pocket.
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  37. Actualidad o inactualidad de Adorno.Antonio Lastra - 1998 - Res Publica. Murcia 1 (1).
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    Democrazia diretta e democrazia rappresentativa. Il dibattito nella Francia rivoluzionaria.Antonio Senta - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (56).
    This essay explores the debate concerning the idea of democracy in the French Revolution. It shows that this idea is based upon representative democracy as well as direct democracy, maintaining a complex and precarious equilibrium between the two. It investigates the different political-institutional means used in those years, the parliamentary debates and the three constitutions, focusing on concepts such as representation, electoral mandate and primary assemblies. Representative democracy and direct democracy turn out to be neither distant from nor alternative to (...)
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    Aprender a ver: estudios de filosofía y cine.Antonio Lastra - 2012 - Valencia: Aduana Vieja Editorial.
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    Propuestas críticas para un análisis más comprensivo de la problemática masculina.Antonio S. Boscán Leal - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (33):69-85.
    Our proposal is to overcome the limited conception of the masculinity problem. Even when it is true that all women have suffered from the imposition of the patriarchal system, it is not true that all men have always benefited or participated in the power structure that the same offers, and the major..
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    Perché interessa la filosofia e perché se ne studia la storia.Antonio Livi - 2006 - Roma: Casa Editrice Leonardo da Vinci.
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    La critica rosminiana a Kant e la tradizione empiristica.Antonio Moretto - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Saggio sul Rousseau.Antonio Tozzi - 1942 - Pisa,: Nistri-Lischi.
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  44. La crisi dell'uomo moderno.Antonio Traversi - 1965 - Bologna,: Editrice Ponte nuovo.
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    Estudando Tom Zé: Tropicália e o Lixo Lógico.Antonio José Romera Valverde - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):867.
    O presente ensaio apresenta, inicialmente, uma sondagem acerca da compreensão do Brasil contemporâneo pelo pensamento de seus intérpretes mais expressivos. Em seguida, analisa o último balanço da cultura brasileira operado pela Tropicália, um movimento que revolveu os traumas residuais da cultura brasileira ao inventar um padrão de compreensão sob novas chaves estéticas e políticas — em particular, a produção musical do movimento. Por fim, o ensaio analisa o disco Tropicália lixo lógico de Tom Zé, lançado em 2012, perseguindo a linha (...)
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    Emancipación y tragedia en filosofía de la educación: en torno a la pedagogía analógica de lo cotidiano.Antonio Valleriani (ed.) - 2008 - México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés.
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    « Plenitud » y « Participación ». Nociones estructurantes de la doctrina teológica de Orígenes de Alejandría.Antonio Bueno Ávila - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (1):27-60.
    This article shows the close relationship that exists between two fundamental concepts in the theological doctrine of Origen of Alexandria: “fullness” and“participation”. These two concepts have been the subject of many earlier studies. However, they treated the topic in a more restricted sense, exploring very specific aspects of Origenian theology. The originality of this study lies in demonstrating how both concepts recur frequently in his theological thinking, give it a framework and hold his thought together. They consequently systematize and make (...)
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  48. II problema della costruzione nelle polemiche linguistiche del Settecento.Antonio Viscardi - 1947 - Paideia 2:193-214.
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    Esperienza religiosa e coscienza filosofica.Antonio Banfi - 1967 - Urbino,: Argalìa. Edited by Giovanni Maria Bertin.
    L'esperienza religiosa nel pensiero di Antonio Banfi.- La riforma e il pensiero europeo (da "Conscientia") - Altri scritti per "Conscientia." - Appendice: L'esperienza religiosa da Kierkegaard a Barth. La filosofia dell'esistenza. Per il Congresso del libero cristianesimo.
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    The theatrical and the accidental academic: An autoethnographic case study.Jo Franklin - 2017 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):281-295.
    This article is an autoethnographic account of my journey from theatre stage manager to academic stage manager. Performing arts education and training in Higher Education is a diverse field, rangin...
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